1. Dan Abramov. 2018. Redux tutorial: Reducers. https://redux.js.org/ basics/reducers Dan Abramov. 2018. Redux tutorial: Reducers. https://redux.js.org/ basics/reducers
2. J Chris Anderson Jan Lehnardt and Noah Slater. 2010. CouchDB: The Definitive Guide . O’Reilly Media. http://guide.couchdb.org/ J Chris Anderson Jan Lehnardt and Noah Slater. 2010. CouchDB: The Definitive Guide . O’Reilly Media. http://guide.couchdb.org/
3. Oliver Joseph Ash. 2015. Building an offline page for theguardian.com. https://www.theguardian.com/info/developer-blog/ 2015/nov/04/building-an-offline-page-for-theguardiancom Oliver Joseph Ash. 2015. Building an offline page for theguardian.com. https://www.theguardian.com/info/developer-blog/ 2015/nov/04/building-an-offline-page-for-theguardiancom
4. Atlassian. 2019. Exporting data from Trello. https://help.trello.com/ article/747-exporting-data-from-trello-1 Atlassian. 2019. Exporting data from Trello. https://help.trello.com/ article/747-exporting-data-from-trello-1
5. Specification and Complexity of Collaborative Text Editing