1. Multidimensional electrocutaneous stimulation
2. Aadeel Akhtar , Joseph Sombeck , Brandon Boyce , and Timothy Bretl . 2018. Controlling sensation intensity for electrotactile stimulation in human-machine interfaces. Science robotics 3, 17 ( 2018 ), eaap9770. Aadeel Akhtar, Joseph Sombeck, Brandon Boyce, and Timothy Bretl. 2018. Controlling sensation intensity for electrotactile stimulation in human-machine interfaces. Science robotics 3, 17 (2018), eaap9770.
3. Helmut Altner , Josef Dudel , Otto-Joachim Grüsser , Ursula Grüsser-Cornehls , Rainer Klinke , and Manfred Zimmermann . 2012. Fundamentals of sensory physiology . Springer Science & Business Media . Helmut Altner, Josef Dudel, Otto-Joachim Grüsser, Ursula Grüsser-Cornehls, Rainer Klinke, and Manfred Zimmermann. 2012. Fundamentals of sensory physiology. Springer Science & Business Media.
4. Promoting relaxation using virtual reality, olfactory interfaces and wearable EEG
5. Tactile Sensory Substitution Studies