1. Deniz Arsan , Ali Zaidi , Aravind Sagar , and Ranjitha Kumar . 2021 . App-Based Task Shortcuts for Virtual Assistants. In The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. 1089–1099 . Deniz Arsan, Ali Zaidi, Aravind Sagar, and Ranjitha Kumar. 2021. App-Based Task Shortcuts for Virtual Assistants. In The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. 1089–1099.
2. Chongyang Bai , Xiaoxue Zang , Ying Xu , Srinivas Sunkara , Abhinav Rastogi , Jindong Chen , and Blaise Agüera y Arcas . 2021 . UIBert: Learning Generic Multimodal Representations for UI Understanding. In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Chongyang Bai, Xiaoxue Zang, Ying Xu, Srinivas Sunkara, Abhinav Rastogi, Jindong Chen, and Blaise Agüera y Arcas. 2021. UIBert: Learning Generic Multimodal Representations for UI Understanding. In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
3. VINS: Visual Search for Mobile User Interface Design
4. End-to-End Incremental Learning
5. Unblind your apps