Scalable inside-out image-based rendering


Hedman Peter1,Ritschel Tobias1,Drettakis George2,Brostow Gabriel1


1. University College London

2. Inria


Seventh Framework Programme

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

Reference56 articles.

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2. ScaNeRF: Scalable Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields for Large-Scale Scene Rendering;ACM Transactions on Graphics;2023-12-05

3. Interactive NeRF Geometry Editing With Shape Priors;IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence;2023-12

4. StructNeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Indoor Scenes With Structural Hints;IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence;2023-12

5. Towards Scalable Multi-View Reconstruction of Geometry and Materials;IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence;2023-12







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