1. Popularity Bias in Ranking and Recommendation
2. Qingyao Ai Keping Bi Jiafeng Guo and W Bruce Croft. 2018. Learning a deep listwise context model for ranking refinement. In SIGIR. 135–144. Qingyao Ai Keping Bi Jiafeng Guo and W Bruce Croft. 2018. Learning a deep listwise context model for ranking refinement. In SIGIR. 135–144.
3. Qingyao Ai Xuanhui Wang Sebastian Bruch Nadav Golbandi Michael Bendersky and Marc Najork. 2019. Learning groupwise multivariate scoring functions using deep neural networks. In SIGIR. 85–92. Qingyao Ai Xuanhui Wang Sebastian Bruch Nadav Golbandi Michael Bendersky and Marc Najork. 2019. Learning groupwise multivariate scoring functions using deep neural networks. In SIGIR. 85–92.
4. Exploring Differences in the Impact of Users’ Traces on Arabic and English Facebook Search
5. A collaborative filtering approach to mitigate the new user cold start problem