1. Socialization in Virtual Groups
2. Talk to me
3. Yoav Artzi , Patrick Pantel , and Michael Gamon . 2012 . Predicting responses to microblog posts . In Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Association for Computational Linguistics, 602–606 . Yoav Artzi, Patrick Pantel, and Michael Gamon. 2012. Predicting responses to microblog posts. In Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Association for Computational Linguistics, 602–606.
4. Characterizing and curating conversation threads
5. Talya N Bauer , Todd Bodner , Berrin Erdogan , Donald M Truxillo , and Jennifer S Tucker . 2007. Newcomer adjustment during organizational socialization: a meta-analytic review of antecedents, outcomes, and methods.Journal of applied psychology 92, 3 ( 2007 ), 707. Talya N Bauer, Todd Bodner, Berrin Erdogan, Donald M Truxillo, and Jennifer S Tucker. 2007. Newcomer adjustment during organizational socialization: a meta-analytic review of antecedents, outcomes, and methods.Journal of applied psychology 92, 3 (2007), 707.