1. The CAIDA UCSD Anonymized Internet Traces 2013. http://www.caida.org/data/passive/passive_2013_dataset.xml. The CAIDA UCSD Anonymized Internet Traces 2013. http://www.caida.org/data/passive/passive_2013_dataset.xml.
2. ANT Censuses of the Internet Address Space 2014. http://www.isi.edu/ant/address/. ANT Censuses of the Internet Address Space 2014. http://www.isi.edu/ant/address/.
3. IANA WHOIS Service 2014. http://www.iana.org/whois. IANA WHOIS Service 2014. http://www.iana.org/whois.
4. Internet-Wide Scan Data Repository 2014. https://scans.io/study/sonar.http. Internet-Wide Scan Data Repository 2014. https://scans.io/study/sonar.http.