1. A scalable, commodity data center network architecture
2. J Bell A Almgren V Beckner M Day M Lijewski A Nonaka and W Zhang. 2012. BoxLib userÃćÂĂÂŹs guide. github. com/BoxLib-Codes/BoxLib (2012). J Bell A Almgren V Beckner M Day M Lijewski A Nonaka and W Zhang. 2012. BoxLib userÃćÂĂÂŹs guide. github. com/BoxLib-Codes/BoxLib (2012).
3. Texas Advanced Computing Center. accessed Nov. 5 2017. Stampede User Guide. https://portal.tacc.utexas.edu/user-guides/stampede Texas Advanced Computing Center. accessed Nov. 5 2017. Stampede User Guide. https://portal.tacc.utexas.edu/user-guides/stampede
4. iBench: Quantifying interference for datacenter applications