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2. James B Aimone, Ojas Parekh, and William Severa. 2017. Neural computing for scientific computing applications: more than just machine learning. In Proceedings of the Neuromorphic Computing Symposium. ACM, 7.
3. Rui Araújo, Nicolai Waniek, and Jörg Conradt. 2014. Development of a Dynamically Extendable SpiNNaker Chip Computing Module. In International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Springer, 821--828.
4. Gangotree Chakma, Md Musabbir Adnan, Austin R Wyer, Ryan Weiss, Catherine D Schuman, and Garrett S Rose. 2018. Memristive Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic Systems: Energy-Efficient Learning at the Circuit-Level. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 8, 1 (2018), 125--136.
5. Kevin Corder, John V Monaco, and Manuel M Vindiola. 2018. Solving Vertex Cover via Ising Model on a Neuromorphic Processor. In Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2018 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 1--5.