1. ACM Curriculum Committee o n Co repute r Scie nc e! Curriculum 78: Recommendations ~r the under~ graduate program in computer sciencei Communi a CM 2 Z (M a r i 19 79)15 I-197: ACM Curriculum Committee o n Co repute r Scie nc e! Curriculum 78: Recommendations ~r the under~ graduate program in computer sciencei Communi a CM 2 Z (M a r i 19 79)15 I-197:
2. ACM~IEEE CS Joint Curriculum Task_ Force; Corn puting Curricula I99I A CS Joint Curricu lure Task Force ACM P tess and IEE Computer Socie ~ press; 199I: ACM~IEEE CS Joint Curriculum Task_ Force; Corn puting Curricula I99I A CS Joint Curricu lure Task Force ACM P tess and IEE Computer Socie ~ press; 199I:
3. Clancv! an d Lin n; M The case for case studies of mmingproblems:Presentedattheannualmeeting of the ~erican Educational Research ~sociation (San Francisco; Califi; Mari1989) Clancv! an d Lin n; M The case for case studies of mmingproblems:Presentedattheannualmeeting of the ~erican Educational Research ~sociation (San Francisco; Califi; Mari1989)
4. Computi n g S tie noes Nee re di mti o n Board i Crite rid for accre diting p~ograms in co~puter science in the United States. 1993 Annu~! Report of the C~mputing Sciences Accreditation Boardi Stamford; GTi 26-4I i Computi n g S tie noes Nee re di mti o n Board i Crite rid for accre diting p~ograms in co~puter science in the United States. 1993 Annu~! Report of the C~mputing Sciences Accreditation Boardi Stamford; GTi 26-4I i
5. Cupp~ Ri The requireg seni~r thesis and a topics and research method~junior seminar coursei Presented at the 1991 Liberal ~ts Co~0~ter Science ~onsorfium Meeting (Grinnell College June 1991)2 Cupp~ Ri The requireg seni~r thesis and a topics and research method~junior seminar coursei Presented at the 1991 Liberal ~ts Co~0~ter Science ~onsorfium Meeting (Grinnell College June 1991)2