1. Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, Australia
Recommender systems have become important tools in the daily life of human beings since they are powerful to address information overload, and discover relevant and useful items for users. The success of recommender systems largely relies on the interaction history between users and items, which is expected to accurately reflect the preferences of users on items. However, the expectation is easily broken in practice, due to the corruptions made in the interaction history, resulting in unreliable and untrusted recommender systems. Previous works either ignore this issue (assume that the interaction history is precise) or are limited to handling additive noise. Motivated by this, in this paper, we study rating flip noise which is widely existed in the interaction history of recommender systems and combat it by modelling the noise generation process. Specifically, the rating flip noise allows a rating to be flipped to any other ratings within the given rating set, which reflects various real-world situations of rating corruption,
, a user may randomly click a rating from the rating set and then submit it. The noise generation process is modelled by the noise transition matrix that denotes the probabilities of a clean rating flip into a noisy rating. A statistically consistent algorithm is afterwards applied with the estimated transition matrix to learn a robust recommender system against rating flip noise. Comprehensive experiments on multiple benchmarks confirm the superiority of our method.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)