1. Part 11 : Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications . IEEE Standard 802.11- 2012 , March 2012. Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. IEEE Standard 802.11-2012, March 2012.
2. M. S. Afaqui , E. Garcia-Villegas , and E. Lopez-Aguilera . Ieee 802.11 ax: Challenges and requirements for future high efficiency wifi . IEEE Wireless Communications , 24(3):130--137, 2016 . M. S. Afaqui, E. Garcia-Villegas, and E. Lopez-Aguilera. Ieee 802.11 ax: Challenges and requirements for future high efficiency wifi. IEEE Wireless Communications, 24(3):130--137, 2016.
3. B. Bellalta . Ieee 802.11 ax : High-efficiency wlans . IEEE Wireless Communications , 23(1):38--46, 2016 . B. Bellalta. Ieee 802.11 ax: High-efficiency wlans. IEEE Wireless Communications, 23(1):38--46, 2016.
4. An IEEE 802.11a/g/p OFDM receiver for GNU radio
5. Massive MIMO and mmWave for 5G Wireless HetNet: Potential Benefits and Challenges