1. "IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual" IEEE Std 1076--1993 http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/iel5/7180/19335/00893288. pdf. "IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual" IEEE Std 1076--1993 http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/iel5/7180/19335/00893288. pdf.
2. Ashenden P. J. "The Designer's Guide to VHDL" Elsevier 2001. Ashenden P. J. "The Designer's Guide to VHDL" Elsevier 2001.
3. "Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry (2003)" Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy (STEP) http://fermat. nap. edu/books/0309085012/html/164. html ("In 1999 total revenues of the electronics industry were close to $1 trillion or 3. 1 percent of worldwide GDP. The revenues for the semiconductor components of the electronics industry were close to 16 percent of that and capital spending for wafer-fabrication equipment about 21 percent." "Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry (2003)" Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy (STEP) http://fermat. nap. edu/books/0309085012/html/164. html ("In 1999 total revenues of the electronics industry were close to $1 trillion or 3. 1 percent of worldwide GDP. The revenues for the semiconductor components of the electronics industry were close to 16 percent of that and capital spending for wafer-fabrication equipment about 21 percent."
4. D. Marsh "Low-cost kits the new FPGA-designer trend" EDN November 23 2006 P. 40. D. Marsh "Low-cost kits the new FPGA-designer trend" EDN November 23 2006 P. 40.
5. Godefroid P. "Software Model Checking: The Verisoft Approach. Formal Methods in System Design" 26 2 (March 2005) 250--255. Kluwer Academic Publishers Hingham MA USA