1. Saleema Amershi , Andrew Begel , Christian Bird , Robert DeLine , Harald Gall , Ece Kamar , Nachiappan Nagappan , Besmira Nushi , and Thomas Zimmermann . 2019 . Software Engineering for Machine Learning: A Case Study. In ICSE2019-SEIP. 291--300 . Saleema Amershi, Andrew Begel, Christian Bird, Robert DeLine, Harald Gall, Ece Kamar, Nachiappan Nagappan, Besmira Nushi, and Thomas Zimmermann. 2019. Software Engineering for Machine Learning: A Case Study. In ICSE2019-SEIP. 291--300.
2. Transparency in the Financial System: Rollover Risk and Crises
3. Yarin Gal and Zoubin Ghahramani . 2016 . Dropout as a bayesian approximation: Representing model uncertainty in deep learning . In international conference on machine learning. PMLR, 1050--1059 . Yarin Gal and Zoubin Ghahramani. 2016. Dropout as a bayesian approximation: Representing model uncertainty in deep learning. In international conference on machine learning. PMLR, 1050--1059.
4. Establishing a Framework for Dynamic Risk Management in ‘Intelligent’ Aero-Engine Control
5. Continuous validation for data analytics systems