1. 2018. Kendryte K210 Announcement. https://cnrv.io/bi-week-rpts/ 2018-09--16. 2018. Kendryte K210 Announcement. https://cnrv.io/bi-week-rpts/ 2018-09--16.
2. 2019. FireSim: Easy-to-use Scalable FPGA-accelerated Cycle-accurate Hardware Simulation in the Cloud. https://github.com/firesim/firesim. 2019. FireSim: Easy-to-use Scalable FPGA-accelerated Cycle-accurate Hardware Simulation in the Cloud. https://github.com/firesim/firesim.
3. 2019. Network Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for Your EC2 Instance. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ network_mtu.html. 2019. Network Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for Your EC2 Instance. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ network_mtu.html.
4. 2019. strace: strace is a diagnostic debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux. https://github.com/strace/strace. 2019. strace: strace is a diagnostic debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux. https://github.com/strace/strace.