Strict minimizers for geometric optimization


Levi Zohar1,Zorin Denis1


1. New York University


We introduce the idea of strict minimizers for geometric distortion measures used in shape interpolation, deformation, parametrization, and other applications involving geometric mappings. The L -norm ensures the tightest possible control on the worst-case distortion. Unfortunately, it does not yield a unique solution and does not distinguish between solutions with high or low distortion below the maximum. The strict minimizer is a minimal L -norm solution, which always prioritizes higher distortion reduction. We propose practical algorithms for computing strict minimizers. We also offer an efficient algorithm for L optimization based on the ARAP energy. This algorithm can be used on its own or as a building block for an ARAP strict minimizer. We demonstrate that these algorithms lead to significant improvements in quality.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

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3. Shear-reduced seamless parametrization;Computer Aided Geometric Design;2023-04

4. A Practical Algorithm for Max-Norm Optimal Binary Labeling of Graphs;Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition;2023

5. Isometric Energies for Recovering Injectivity in Constrained Mapping;SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Conference Papers;2022-11-29







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