1. ASPires Consortium. 2017. Study of data models in different countries and possible interoperability. Deliverable D.C.6. Commission of the European Union. ASPires project ARES(2016)6878547-09/12/2016. ASPires Consortium. 2017. Study of data models in different countries and possible interoperability . Deliverable D.C.6. Commission of the European Union. ASPires project ARES(2016)6878547-09/12/2016.
2. ASPires Consortium. 2018. Web application for sharing user interface which is consistent of several Web services as a new module of existing CMIS. Deliverable D.D.2. Commission of the European Union. ASPires project ARES(2016)6878547-09/12/2016. ASPires Consortium. 2018. Web application for sharing user interface which is consistent of several Web services as a new module of existing CMIS . Deliverable D.D.2. Commission of the European Union. ASPires project ARES(2016)6878547-09/12/2016.
3. ASPires Consortium. 2019. ASPires project website - public information. http://www.aspires.eu. [Online; accessed 19-May-2019]. ASPires Consortium. 2019. ASPires project website - public information. http://www.aspires.eu. [Online; accessed 19-May-2019].