1. LineSwitch
2. Stephen D Bay , Dennis Kibler , Michael J Pazzani , and Padhraic Smyth . 2000. The UCI KDD archive of large data sets for data mining research and experimentation. ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter 2, 2 ( 2000 ), 81–85. Stephen D Bay, Dennis Kibler, Michael J Pazzani, and Padhraic Smyth. 2000. The UCI KDD archive of large data sets for data mining research and experimentation. ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter 2, 2 (2000), 81–85.
3. Traffic classification on the fly
4. Fábio Botelho , Alysson Bessani , Fernando MV Ramos , and Paulo Ferreira . 2014. On the design of practical fault-tolerant SDN controllers. In 2014 third European workshop on software defined networks . IEEE , 73–78. Fábio Botelho, Alysson Bessani, Fernando MV Ramos, and Paulo Ferreira. 2014. On the design of practical fault-tolerant SDN controllers. In 2014 third European workshop on software defined networks. IEEE, 73–78.
5. Software defined mobile networks: concept, survey, and research directions