1. Typilus: neural type hints
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3. Casper Boone , Niels de Bruin , Arjan Langerak , and Fabian Stelmach . 2019. DLTPy: Deep Learning Type Inference of Python Function Signatures using Natural Language Context. CoRR, abs/1912.00680 ( 2019 ), arxiv:1912.00680. arxiv:1912.00680 Casper Boone, Niels de Bruin, Arjan Langerak, and Fabian Stelmach. 2019. DLTPy: Deep Learning Type Inference of Python Function Signatures using Natural Language Context. CoRR, abs/1912.00680 (2019), arxiv:1912.00680. arxiv:1912.00680
4. Attributed Programmed Graph Grammars and Their Application to Schematic Diagram Interpretation
5. A graph distance metric based on the maximal common subgraph