1. Hadoop: open-source software for reliable scalable distributed computing. http://hadoop.apache.org/ Accessed May 2015. Hadoop: open-source software for reliable scalable distributed computing. http://hadoop.apache.org/ Accessed May 2015.
2. Institutions that are using hadoop for educational or production uses. http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/PoweredBy Accessed May 2015. Institutions that are using hadoop for educational or production uses. http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/PoweredBy Accessed May 2015.
3. Wordcount 1.0. http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.7.0/hadoop-mapreduceclient/hadoop-mapreduce-clientcore/MapReduceTutorial.html#Example:_WordCount_v1.0 Accessed May 2015. Wordcount 1.0. http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.7.0/hadoop-mapreduceclient/hadoop-mapreduce-clientcore/MapReduceTutorial.html#Example:_WordCount_v1.0 Accessed May 2015.
4. IEEE draft international standard for software and systems engineering–software testing–part 4: Test techniques 2014. IEEE draft international standard for software and systems engineering–software testing–part 4: Test techniques 2014.
5. State aware test case regeneration for improving web application test suite coverage and fault detection