1. Dogac Basaran, Slim Essid, and Geoffroy Peeters. 2018. Main melody extraction with source-filter NMF and CRNN. In 19th International Society for Music Information Retreival.
2. Anela Chan, Richard Chenhall, Tamara Kohn, and Carolyn Stevens. 2017. Interdisciplinary collaboration and brokerage in the digital humanities. Digital Humanities Quarterly 11, 3 (2017).
3. Klaus Frieler Frank Höger Martin Pfleiderer and Simon Dixon. 2018. Two Web Applications for Exploring Melodic Patterns in Jazz Solos.. In ISMIR. 777–783.
4. Exploring J-DISC
5. Lucas Henry, Klaus Frieler, Gabriel Solis, Martin Pfleiderer, Simon Dixon, Frank Höger, Tillman Weyde, and Helene-Camille Crayencour. 2021. Dig that lick: Exploring patterns in jazz with computational methods. Jazzforschung/Jazz Research 50 (2021).