1. T. Gilb; Software Metrics; Winthrop Computer Systems Series; Winthrop Publishers Cambridge Massachusetts 1977. T. Gilb; Software Metrics; Winthrop Computer Systems Series; Winthrop Publishers Cambridge Massachusetts 1977.
2. M.H. Halstead; Elements of Software Science; Elsevier Computer Science Library; Elsevier North-Holland New York 1977. M.H. Halstead; Elements of Software Science; Elsevier Computer Science Library; Elsevier North-Holland New York 1977.
3. A Review and Evaluation of Software Science
4. Guest Editorial on Software Science
5. A.O. Allen; Probability Statistics and Queueing Theory - With Computer Science Applications; Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Series; Academic Press London and New York 1978. A.O. Allen; Probability Statistics and Queueing Theory - With Computer Science Applications; Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Series; Academic Press London and New York 1978.