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4. Dynamic 5G Network Slicing for First Responders
5. Kourtis M-A , Sarlas T , Xilouris G , Batistatos , M.C , Zarakovitis C.C , Chochliouros I.P , Koumaras H , “ Conceptual Evaluationof a 5G Network Slicing Technique for Emergency Communications and Preliminary Estimate of Energy Trade-off ”, Energies 2021 ,14(21): 6876 Kourtis M-A, Sarlas T, Xilouris G, Batistatos,M.C, Zarakovitis C.C, Chochliouros I.P, Koumaras H, “Conceptual Evaluationof a 5G Network Slicing Technique for Emergency Communications and Preliminary Estimate of Energy Trade-off”, Energies 2021,14(21): 6876