1. Charles André . 2004. Computing SyncCharts Reactions. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 88 (Oct . 2004 ), 3–19. Charles André. 2004. Computing SyncCharts Reactions. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 88 (Oct. 2004), 3–19.
2. Jean-Louis Colaço , Grégoire Hamon , and Marc Pouzet . 2006 . Mixing Signals and Modes in Synchronous Data-flow Systems. In ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT’06) . ACM, Seoul, South Korea, 73–82. Jean-Louis Colaço, Grégoire Hamon, and Marc Pouzet. 2006. Mixing Signals and Modes in Synchronous Data-flow Systems. In ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT’06). ACM, Seoul, South Korea, 73–82.
3. SCADE 6: A formal language for embedded critical software development (invited paper)
4. Swing-up Control of Inverted Pendulum Using Pseudo-State Feedback
5. An Operational Semantics for Stateflow