1. Lighthouse | tools for web developers | google developers. Lighthouse | tools for web developers | google developers.
2. Reference removed for double-blind review. Reference removed for double-blind review.
3. These were the 5 most popular phone brands in africa in 2018. bit.ly/30dI2OT. These were the 5 most popular phone brands in africa in 2018. bit.ly/30dI2OT.
4. A low-profile chinese handset maker has taken over africa's mobile market. bit.ly/2W1wAGW. A low-profile chinese handset maker has taken over africa's mobile market. bit.ly/2W1wAGW.
5. V. Agababov , M. Buettner , V. Chudnovsky , M. Cogan , B. Greenstein , S. McDaniel , M. Piatek , C. Scott , M. Welsh , and B. Yin . Flywheel: Google's data compression proxy for the mobile web . In 12th {USENIX} Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation ({NSDI} 15) , pages 367 -- 380 , 2015 . V. Agababov, M. Buettner, V. Chudnovsky, M. Cogan, B. Greenstein, S. McDaniel, M. Piatek, C. Scott, M. Welsh, and B. Yin. Flywheel: Google's data compression proxy for the mobile web. In 12th {USENIX} Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation ({NSDI} 15), pages 367--380, 2015.