1. VARED: Verification and analysis of requirements and early designs
2. The Theory and Practice of SALT
3. S. Bensalem , V. Ganesh , Y. Lakhnech , C. Muñoz , S. Owre , H. Rueß , J. Rushby , V. Rusu , H. Saïdi , N. Shankar , E. Singerman , and A. Tiwari . 2000 . An Overview of SAL. In 5th NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop (LFM 2000 ). 187–196. S. Bensalem, V. Ganesh, Y. Lakhnech, C. Muñoz, S. Owre, H. Rueß, J. Rushby, V. Rusu, H. Saïdi, N. Shankar, E. Singerman, and A. Tiwari. 2000. An Overview of SAL. In 5th NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop (LFM 2000). 187–196.
4. ETL: A new temporal language for the verification of cyber-physical systems
5. CoCoSpec: A Mode-Aware Contract Language for Reactive Systems