1. A laboratory for teaching object oriented thinking
2. Booch G. Object Design wu- Applications. The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company Inc. 1991. Booch G. Object Design wu- Applications. The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company Inc. 1991.
3. Brunet j. Modeling the world with semantic objects. University of' Paris Internal Report 1991. Brunet j. Modeling the world with semantic objects. University of' Paris Internal Report 1991.
4. Coad. P. and Yourdon F. Obiject Oriented Analysis Second Edition Prentice-Hail Engiewood Cliffs N.J. 1991. Coad. P. and Yourdon F. Obiject Oriented Analysis Second Edition Prentice-Hail Engiewood Cliffs N.J. 1991.