1. [n. d.]. Ruby On Rails Web Framework. https://rubyonrails.org/. [n. d.]. Ruby On Rails Web Framework. https://rubyonrails.org/.
2. [n. d.]. The Ruby Programming Language. https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/. [n. d.]. The Ruby Programming Language. https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/.
3. Event‐sourced, observable software architectures: An experience report
4. Re-CRUD Code Automation Framework Evaluation using DESMET Feature Analysis
5. Arkency. 2022. Rails Event Store: The open-source implementation of an Event Store for Ruby and Rails. https://railseventstore.org/. Arkency. 2022. Rails Event Store: The open-source implementation of an Event Store for Ruby and Rails. https://railseventstore.org/.