1. Using olfactory media cues in e-learning – perspectives from an empirical investigation
2. Hannah J Broadbent , Hayley White , Denis Mareschal , and Natasha Z Kirkham . 2018. Incidental learning in a multisensory environment across childhood. Developmental science 21, 2 ( 2018 ), e12554. Hannah J Broadbent, Hayley White, Denis Mareschal, and Natasha Z Kirkham. 2018. Incidental learning in a multisensory environment across childhood. Developmental science 21, 2 (2018), e12554.
3. Alexandra Covaci , Esteban B Saleme , Getachew Mesfin , Naveed Hussain , Elahe Kani-Zabihi , and Gheorghita Ghinea . 2019. How do we experience crossmodal correspondent mulsemedia content?IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22, 5 ( 2019 ), 1249–1258. Alexandra Covaci, Esteban B Saleme, Getachew Mesfin, Naveed Hussain, Elahe Kani-Zabihi, and Gheorghita Ghinea. 2019. How do we experience crossmodal correspondent mulsemedia content?IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22, 5 (2019), 1249–1258.
4. Ongoing Challenges of Evaluating Mulsemedia QoE
5. Enhancing Audiovisual Experience with Haptic Feedback: A Survey on HAV