1. ASAP-AES. 2012. The Hewlett Foundation: Automated Essay Scoring Develop an automated scoring algorithm for student-written essays.https://www.kaggle.com/c/asap-aes/. ASAP-AES. 2012. The Hewlett Foundation: Automated Essay Scoring Develop an automated scoring algorithm for student-written essays.https://www.kaggle.com/c/asap-aes/.
2. Yigal Attali and Jill Burstein . 2004. Automated essay scoring with e-rater® v. 2.0. ETS Research Report Series 2004, 2 ( 2004 ), i–21. Yigal Attali and Jill Burstein. 2004. Automated essay scoring with e-rater® v. 2.0. ETS Research Report Series 2004, 2 (2004), i–21.
3. Modeling Local Coherence: An Entity-Based Approach
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