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2. Davide Anguita , Alessandro Ghio , Luca Oneto , Xavier Parra Perez , and Jorge Luis Reyes Ortiz . 2013 . A public domain dataset for human activity recognition using smartphones . In Proceedings of the 21th international European symposium on artificial neural networks, computational intelligence and machine learning. 437--442 . Davide Anguita, Alessandro Ghio, Luca Oneto, Xavier Parra Perez, and Jorge Luis Reyes Ortiz. 2013. A public domain dataset for human activity recognition using smartphones. In Proceedings of the 21th international European symposium on artificial neural networks, computational intelligence and machine learning. 437--442.
3. An iterative wavelet threshold for signal denoising
4. Combining labeled and unlabeled data with co-training
5. Application of machine learning techniques for supply chain demand forecasting