1. Firoj Alam et al. 2023. Checkthat Challenge. https://checkthat.gitlab.io/clef2023/task1/ Firoj Alam et al. 2023. Checkthat Challenge. https://checkthat.gitlab.io/clef2023/task1/
2. Anabela Barreiro et al . 2023. M3G Workshop. https://multi3generation.eu/workshops/eamt-2023/ Anabela Barreiro et al . 2023. M3G Workshop. https://multi3generation.eu/workshops/eamt-2023/
3. John A Bateman . 2014. Text and image: A critical introduction to the visual/verbal divide . Routledge . John A Bateman. 2014. Text and image: A critical introduction to the visual/verbal divide. Routledge.
4. Emanuele Bugliarello et al . 2022 . MML Workshop. https://mml-workshop.github.io/ Emanuele Bugliarello et al . 2022. MML Workshop. https://mml-workshop.github.io/
5. Erik Cambria et al. 2020 . NLPBT Workshop. https://sites.google.com/view/nlpbt-2020/home Erik Cambria et al. 2020. NLPBT Workshop. https://sites.google.com/view/nlpbt-2020/home