1. ReCANet: A Repeat Consumption-Aware Neural Network for Next Basket Recommendation in Grocery Shopping
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4. Recency Aware Collaborative Filtering for Next Basket Recommendation
5. Guglielmo Faggioli , Mirko Polato , and Fabio Aiolli . 2020b. Recency Aware Collaborative Filtering for Next Basket Recommendation (UMAP '20) . Association for Computing Machinery , New York, NY, USA , 80--87. https://doi.org/10.1145/3340631.3394850 10.1145/3340631.3394850 Guglielmo Faggioli, Mirko Polato, and Fabio Aiolli. 2020b. Recency Aware Collaborative Filtering for Next Basket Recommendation (UMAP '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 80--87. https://doi.org/10.1145/3340631.3394850