1. A Large Scale Interactive Holographic Display
2. An interactive multi-user holographic environment
3. Three-hundred-sixty degree electroholographic stereogram and volumetric display system
4. Plenoptic sampling
5. Cossairt , O. , Travis , A. R. , Moller , C. , and Benton , S. A . 2004. Novel view sequential display based on dmd technology . In Proc. SPIE, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XI, A. J. Woods, J. O. Merritt, S. A. Benton, and M. T. Bolas, Eds. , vol. 5291 , 273--278. Cossairt, O., Travis, A. R., Moller, C., and Benton, S. A. 2004. Novel view sequential display based on dmd technology. In Proc. SPIE, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XI, A. J. Woods, J. O. Merritt, S. A. Benton, and M. T. Bolas, Eds., vol. 5291, 273--278.