1. Daniel Arijon . Grammar of the Film Language . Communication Arts Books, Hastings House , Publishers , New York, 1976 . Daniel Arijon. Grammar of the Film Language. Communication Arts Books, Hastings House, Publishers, New York, 1976.
2. James Blinn . Where am I? What am I looking at? IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , pages 76 -- 81 , 1988 . James Blinn. Where am I? What am I looking at? IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pages 76--81, 1988.
3. David B. Christianson , Sean E. Anderson , Li-wei He, David H. Salesin , Daniel S. Weld , and Michael F. Cohen . Declarative camera control for automatic cinematography . In Proceedings of the AAAI-96 , August 1996 . David B. Christianson, Sean E. Anderson, Li-wei He, David H. Salesin, Daniel S. Weld, and Michael F. Cohen. Declarative camera control for automatic cinematography. In Proceedings of the AAAI-96, August 1996.
4. CINEMA: a system for procedural camera movements
5. Steven M. Drucker and David Zelter. CamDroid: A system for implementing intelligent camera control. In Michael Zyda, editor , Computer Graphics (1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics) , volume 28 , pages 139 -- 144 , April 1995 . Steven M. Drucker and David Zelter. CamDroid: A system for implementing intelligent camera control. In Michael Zyda, editor, Computer Graphics (1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics), volume 28, pages 139--144, April 1995.