1. Eastman C. "The use of computers instead of drawings in building design". American Institute of Architects journal March 1975. Eastman C. "The use of computers instead of drawings in building design". American Institute of Architects journal March 1975.
2. A database for designing large physical systems
3. Guzman A. "Computer recognition of 3-D objects in a visual scene" MAC-TR-59 M.L.T. Cambridge Mass. Dec. 1968 Guzman A. "Computer recognition of 3-D objects in a visual scene" MAC-TR-59 M.L.T. Cambridge Mass. Dec. 1968
4. Hilbert D. Cohn-Vossen S. "Geometry and the imagination Translated from the german by P.Nemenyi. Chelsea Publishing Company. New York. Hilbert D. Cohn-Vossen S. "Geometry and the imagination Translated from the german by P.Nemenyi. Chelsea Publishing Company. New York.
5. Klein F. elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint vol 2. Geometry. Tranlated from the german by Hedrick E and Noble C. Dover Publication Inc. Klein F. elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint vol 2. Geometry. Tranlated from the german by Hedrick E. and Noble C. Dover Publication Inc.