1. Akamai: State of the Internet. http://www.akamai.com/stateoftheinternet. Accessed: 2014-05-04. Akamai: State of the Internet. http://www.akamai.com/stateoftheinternet. Accessed: 2014-05-04.
2. Alexa - The top 500 sites on the web. http://www.alexa.com/topsites. Accessed: 2014-04-05. Alexa - The top 500 sites on the web. http://www.alexa.com/topsites. Accessed: 2014-04-05.
3. Is TLS Fast Yet? https://istlsfastyet.com/. Accessed: 2014-08--15. Is TLS Fast Yet? https://istlsfastyet.com/. Accessed: 2014-08--15.
4. Make the Web Faster - Web metrics: Size and number of resources. http://developers.google.com/speed/articles/web-metrics. Accessed: 2014-05-04. Make the Web Faster - Web metrics: Size and number of resources. http://developers.google.com/speed/articles/web-metrics. Accessed: 2014-05-04.
5. Ookla Download Index 2012. http://www.netindex.com/download/allcountries/. Accessed: 2013-02-05. Ookla Download Index 2012. http://www.netindex.com/download/allcountries/. Accessed: 2013-02-05.