1. Generalized isolation level definitions
2. Akka. 2009. Akka toolkit for Java and Scala. Retrieved 2019-04-06 from https://akka.io Akka. 2009. Akka toolkit for Java and Scala. Retrieved 2019-04-06 from https://akka.io
3. Deepthi Devaki Akkoorath and Annette Bieniusa. 2016. Antidote: the highly-available geo-replicated database with strongest guarantees. SyncFree Technology White Paper ( 2016 ). Deepthi Devaki Akkoorath and Annette Bieniusa. 2016. Antidote: the highly-available geo-replicated database with strongest guarantees. SyncFree Technology White Paper ( 2016 ).
4. Delta state replicated data types
5. Highly available transactions