1. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Summary of a model preservice technology course: a project of the special interest group on computer uses in education. Baltimore MD: ACM; 1988. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Summary of a model preservice technology course: a project of the special interest group on computer uses in education. Baltimore MD: ACM; 1988.
2. Berger Carl F. How can science teachers and science educators use information technology? AETS Yearbook: Information Technology and Science Education. J. Ellis (ed.) Columbus Ohio: ERIC/ SMEAC Information Reference Center Ohio State University; 1989. Berger Carl F. How can science teachers and science educators use information technology? AETS Yearbook: Information Technology and Science Education. J. Ellis (ed.) Columbus Ohio: ERIC/ SMEAC Information Reference Center Ohio State University; 1989.
3. Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). Elementary School Science and Health: A Technology-Oriented Educational Program! Part 1: The Design Project. An internal report submitted to IBM. Colorado Springs CO: BSCS; 1987. Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). Elementary School Science and Health: A Technology-Oriented Educational Program! Part 1: The Design Project. An internal report submitted to IBM. Colorado Springs CO: BSCS; 1987.
4. Bybee Rodger W. and Ellis James D. A technology-oriented elementary school science and health program. 1988 AETS Yearbook: Information Technology and Science Education. J. Ellis (ed.) Columbus Ohio: ERIC/SMEAC Information Reference Center Ohio State University; 1989. Bybee Rodger W. and Ellis James D. A technology-oriented elementary school science and health program. 1988 AETS Yearbook: Information Technology and Science Education. J. Ellis (ed.) Columbus Ohio: ERIC/SMEAC Information Reference Center Ohio State University; 1989.
5. Ellis James D. and Kuerbis Paul J. ENLIST Micros: Encourage Literacy of Science Teachers in the Use of Microcomputers. Danbury CT: EME Corporation Old Mill Plain Road PO BOX 2805; 1989. Ellis James D. and Kuerbis Paul J. ENLIST Micros: Encourage Literacy of Science Teachers in the Use of Microcomputers. Danbury CT: EME Corporation Old Mill Plain Road PO BOX 2805; 1989.