The BSCS perspective on preparing science teachers in educational computing


Ellis James D.1


1. Senior Staff Associate, The Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 830 North Tejon Street, Suite 405, Colorado Springs, Colorado


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference21 articles.

1. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Summary of a model preservice technology course: a project of the special interest group on computer uses in education. Baltimore MD: ACM; 1988. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Summary of a model preservice technology course: a project of the special interest group on computer uses in education. Baltimore MD: ACM; 1988.

2. Berger Carl F. How can science teachers and science educators use information technology? AETS Yearbook: Information Technology and Science Education. J. Ellis (ed.) Columbus Ohio: ERIC/ SMEAC Information Reference Center Ohio State University; 1989. Berger Carl F. How can science teachers and science educators use information technology? AETS Yearbook: Information Technology and Science Education. J. Ellis (ed.) Columbus Ohio: ERIC/ SMEAC Information Reference Center Ohio State University; 1989.

3. Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). Elementary School Science and Health: A Technology-Oriented Educational Program! Part 1: The Design Project. An internal report submitted to IBM. Colorado Springs CO: BSCS; 1987. Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). Elementary School Science and Health: A Technology-Oriented Educational Program! Part 1: The Design Project. An internal report submitted to IBM. Colorado Springs CO: BSCS; 1987.

4. Bybee Rodger W. and Ellis James D. A technology-oriented elementary school science and health program. 1988 AETS Yearbook: Information Technology and Science Education. J. Ellis (ed.) Columbus Ohio: ERIC/SMEAC Information Reference Center Ohio State University; 1989. Bybee Rodger W. and Ellis James D. A technology-oriented elementary school science and health program. 1988 AETS Yearbook: Information Technology and Science Education. J. Ellis (ed.) Columbus Ohio: ERIC/SMEAC Information Reference Center Ohio State University; 1989.

5. Ellis James D. and Kuerbis Paul J. ENLIST Micros: Encourage Literacy of Science Teachers in the Use of Microcomputers. Danbury CT: EME Corporation Old Mill Plain Road PO BOX 2805; 1989. Ellis James D. and Kuerbis Paul J. ENLIST Micros: Encourage Literacy of Science Teachers in the Use of Microcomputers. Danbury CT: EME Corporation Old Mill Plain Road PO BOX 2805; 1989.







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