1. US Patent for Outdoor security camera drone system setup Patent (Patent # 11 492 113 issued November 8 2022) - Justia Patents Search. https://patents.justia.com/patent/11492113 https://patents.justia.com/patent/11492113 US Patent for Outdoor security camera drone system setup Patent (Patent # 11 492 113 issued November 8 2022) - Justia Patents Search. https://patents.justia.com/patent/11492113 https://patents.justia.com/patent/11492113
2. FedEx Plans to Test Autonomous Drone Cargo Delivery with Elroy Air. https://newsroom.fedex.com/newsroom/global/elroyair (Mar 2022 ), https://newsroom.fedex.com/newsroom/global/elroyair, section: Global FedEx Plans to Test Autonomous Drone Cargo Delivery with Elroy Air. https://newsroom.fedex.com/newsroom/global/elroyair (Mar 2022), https://newsroom.fedex.com/newsroom/global/elroyair, section: Global
3. Who's Afraid of the Spoofer? GPS/GNSS Spoofing Detection via Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
4. ArduPilot: ArduPilot. https://ardupilot.org ArduPilot: ArduPilot. https://ardupilot.org
5. Spoofing detection, classification and cancelation (SDCC) receiver architecture for a moving GNSS receiver