1. Grey G.J. Electronic Performance Support System. Grey Performance Press Tolland Mass. (Previously Publichsed by Ziff Instiute and Weingarten Publication 1991). Grey G.J. Electronic Performance Support System. Grey Performance Press Tolland Mass. (Previously Publichsed by Ziff Instiute and Weingarten Publication 1991).
2. Tufte E.R. Envisiouing Information. Graphics Press Cheshire CT 1987. Tufte E.R. Envisiouing Information. Graphics Press Cheshire CT 1987.
3. Dyson E. Performance Support: Worker information System. Release 1.0 August 1993. EDventure Holiding New York NY. Dyson E. Performance Support: Worker information System. Release 1.0 August 1993. EDventure Holiding New York NY.
4. Galagan P. Think Performance. Traning and Development Journal (Mar. 1994). Galagan P. Think Performance. Traning and Development Journal (Mar. 1994).