1. What happened to remote usability testing?
2. Ted Boren and Judith Ramey . 2000. Thinking aloud: Reconciling theory and practice . IEEE transactions on professional communication 43, 3( 2000 ), 261–278. Ted Boren and Judith Ramey. 2000. Thinking aloud: Reconciling theory and practice. IEEE transactions on professional communication 43, 3(2000), 261–278.
3. Let your users do the testing
4. Kapil Chalil Madathil and Joel Greenstein . 2011 . Synchronous remote usability testing - A new approach facilitated by virtual worlds . Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2225–2234 . https://doi.org/10.1145/1978942.1979267 Kapil Chalil Madathil and Joel Greenstein. 2011. Synchronous remote usability testing - A new approach facilitated by virtual worlds. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2225–2234. https://doi.org/10.1145/1978942.1979267