1. Huang, X., and S. Belongie , " Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization," In ICCV 2017 . Huang, X., and S. Belongie, "Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization," In ICCV 2017.
2. Isola, P, J.-Y. Zhu , T. Zhou , and A. A. Efros , " Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks, " in CVPR , 2017 . Isola, P, J.-Y. Zhu, T. Zhou, and A. A. Efros, "Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks, " in CVPR, 2017.
3. J.-Y. Zhu , T. Park , P. Isola , and A. A. Efros , " Unpaired image-to-image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks, " in ICCV , 2017 . J.-Y. Zhu, T. Park, P. Isola, and A. A. Efros, "Unpaired image-to-image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks, " in ICCV, 2017.
4. Z. Yi , H. Zhang , P. T. Gong , "Dualgan : Unsupervised dual learning for image-to-image translation, " in ICCV , 2017 . Z. Yi, H. Zhang, P. T. Gong , "Dualgan: Unsupervised dual learning for image-to-image translation, " in ICCV, 2017.
5. A. Anoosheh , E. Agustsson , R. Timofte , and L. Van Gool , " Combo gan : Unrestrained scalability for image domain translation, " in CVPR Workshop , 2018 . A. Anoosheh, E. Agustsson, R. Timofte, and L. Van Gool, "Combo gan: Unrestrained scalability for image domain translation, " in CVPR Workshop, 2018.