1. I. P. Goldstein and B.Robcrts 'Using Frames In Scheduling' ibid. I. P. Goldstein and B.Robcrts 'Using Frames In Scheduling' ibid.
2. KPanrap M. Chipell S.Khoshafian H.Wong 'Intelligent Databases' John Wiley 1989. KPanrap M. Chipell S.Khoshafian H.Wong 'Intelligent Databases' John Wiley 1989.
3. S.P.Sanoff 'An Object-Oriented Controller for Flexible Assembly Cells' IEE Colloquium on 'Applications of Object-Oriented Programming' London 1989. S.P.Sanoff 'An Object-Oriented Controller for Flexible Assembly Cells' IEE Colloquium on 'Applications of Object-Oriented Programming' London 1989.