1. S. Albeaik , M. Alrished , S. Aldawood , S. Alsubaiee , and A. Alfaris . Virtual cities: 3D urban modeling from low resolution LiDAR data . In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems , 2017 . S. Albeaik, M. Alrished, S. Aldawood, S. Alsubaiee, and A. Alfaris. Virtual cities: 3D urban modeling from low resolution LiDAR data. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2017.
2. Large-Scale Geospatial Planning of Wireless Backhaul Links
3. P. E. Brown , K. Czapiga , A. Jotshi , Y. Kanza , V. Kounev , and P. Suresh . Planning wireless backhaul links by testing line of sight and fresnel zone clearance . ACM Transactions on Spatial Systems and Algorithms , 2022 . P. E. Brown, K. Czapiga, A. Jotshi, Y. Kanza, V. Kounev, and P. Suresh. Planning wireless backhaul links by testing line of sight and fresnel zone clearance. ACM Transactions on Spatial Systems and Algorithms, 2022.
4. Height and Facet Extraction from LiDAR Point Cloud for Automatic Creation of 3D Building Models
5. Deep semantic segmentation for building detection using knowledge-informed features from LiDAR point clouds