1. Effects of cumulated outdoor activity on wildlife habitat use
2. A Data Science Framework for Movement
3. Spatially weighted structural similarity index
4. Human mobility-based synthetic social network generation
5. T. Hale , N. Angrist , R. Goldszmidt , B. Kira , A. Petherick , T. Phillips , S. Webster , E. Cameron-Blake , L. Hallas , S. Majumdar , A global panel database of pandemic policies (oxford covid-19 government response tracker). Nature human behaviour, 5(4):529--538 , 2021 . T. Hale, N. Angrist, R. Goldszmidt, B. Kira, A. Petherick, T. Phillips, S. Webster, E. Cameron-Blake, L. Hallas, S. Majumdar, et al. A global panel database of pandemic policies (oxford covid-19 government response tracker). Nature human behaviour, 5(4):529--538, 2021.