1. Martín Abadi Ashish Agarwal Paul Barham Eugene Brevdo Zhifeng Chen Craig Citro Greg S. Corrado Andy Davis Jeffrey Dean Matthieu Devin Sanjay Ghemawat Ian Goodfellow Andrew Harp Geoffrey Irving Michael Isard Yangqing Jia Rafal Jozefowicz Lukasz Kaiser Manjunath Kudlur Josh Levenberg Dandelion Mané Rajat Monga Sherry Moore Derek Murray Chris Olah Mike Schuster Jonathon Shlens Benoit Steiner Ilya Sutskever Kunal Talwar Paul Tucker Vincent Vanhoucke Vijay Vasudevan Fernanda Viégas Oriol Vinyals Pete Warden Martin Wattenberg Martin Wicke Yuan Yu and Xiaoqiang Zheng. 2015. TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Systems. https://www.tensorflow.org/ Software available from tensorflow. org. Martín Abadi Ashish Agarwal Paul Barham Eugene Brevdo Zhifeng Chen Craig Citro Greg S. Corrado Andy Davis Jeffrey Dean Matthieu Devin Sanjay Ghemawat Ian Goodfellow Andrew Harp Geoffrey Irving Michael Isard Yangqing Jia Rafal Jozefowicz Lukasz Kaiser Manjunath Kudlur Josh Levenberg Dandelion Mané Rajat Monga Sherry Moore Derek Murray Chris Olah Mike Schuster Jonathon Shlens Benoit Steiner Ilya Sutskever Kunal Talwar Paul Tucker Vincent Vanhoucke Vijay Vasudevan Fernanda Viégas Oriol Vinyals Pete Warden Martin Wattenberg Martin Wicke Yuan Yu and Xiaoqiang Zheng. 2015. TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Systems. https://www.tensorflow.org/ Software available from tensorflow. org.
2. Md. Akhter-Uz-Zaman Ashik, Shahriar Shovon , and Summit Haque . 2019 . Data Set For Sentiment Analysis On Bengali News Comments And Its Baseline Evaluation. In 2019 International Conference on Bangla Speech and Language Processing (ICBSLP). 1--5. https://doi.org/10 .1109/ICBSLP47725.2019.201497 10.1109/ICBSLP47725.2019.201497 Md. Akhter-Uz-Zaman Ashik, Shahriar Shovon, and Summit Haque. 2019. Data Set For Sentiment Analysis On Bengali News Comments And Its Baseline Evaluation. In 2019 International Conference on Bangla Speech and Language Processing (ICBSLP). 1--5. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICBSLP47725.2019.201497
3. Bangladesh , CPTU 2019 . Central Procurement Technical Unit, Government of The People's Republic of Bangladesh. https://www.cptu.gov.bd/noa-awarddetails/ noa-awards-1174.html. Bangladesh, CPTU 2019. Central Procurement Technical Unit, Government of The People's Republic of Bangladesh. https://www.cptu.gov.bd/noa-awarddetails/ noa-awards-1174.html.
4. Abhik Bhattacharjee , Tahmid Hasan , Kazi Mubasshir , Md. Saiful Islam , Wasi Ahmad Uddin , Anindya Iqbal, M. Sohel Rahman, and Rifat Shahriyar. 2022 . BanglaBERT: Lagnuage Model Pretraining and Benchmarks for Low-Resource Language Understanding Evaluation in Bangla. In Findings of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : NAACL 2022. arXiv:2101.00204 https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.00204 Abhik Bhattacharjee, Tahmid Hasan, Kazi Mubasshir, Md. Saiful Islam, Wasi Ahmad Uddin, Anindya Iqbal, M. Sohel Rahman, and Rifat Shahriyar. 2022. BanglaBERT: Lagnuage Model Pretraining and Benchmarks for Low-Resource Language Understanding Evaluation in Bangla. In Findings of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022. arXiv:2101.00204 https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.00204
5. Samit Bhattacharya . 2023. Inflectional morphology synthesis for bengali noun, pronoun and verb systems. (02 2023 ). Samit Bhattacharya. 2023. Inflectional morphology synthesis for bengali noun, pronoun and verb systems. (02 2023).