1. Database-friendly random projections: Johnson-Lindenstrauss with binary coins
2. Eman Abdullah AlOmar , Wajdi Aljedaani , Murtaza Tamjeed , Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer , and Yasmine N . El-Glaly. Finding the needle in a haystack: On the auto- matic identification of accessibility user reviews . In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) , pages 387: 1 -- 387 :15, Virtual Event / Yokohama, Japan , 2021 . Eman Abdullah AlOmar, Wajdi Aljedaani, Murtaza Tamjeed, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer, and Yasmine N. El-Glaly. Finding the needle in a haystack: On the auto- matic identification of accessibility user reviews. In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), pages 387:1--387:15, Virtual Event / Yokohama, Japan, 2021.
3. Theodore W. Anderson . An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis . John Wiley & Sons , third edition, 2003 . Theodore W. Anderson. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, third edition, 2003.
4. Speeding up the Xbox recommender system using a euclidean transformation for inner-product spaces
5. Random projection in dimensionality reduction