1. Square root law for communication with low probability of detection on AWGN channels
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3. Hamed Haddadi , Vassilis Christophides , Renata Teixeira , Kenjiro Cho , Shigeya Suzuki , and Adrian Perrig . Siotome : An edge-ISP collaborative architecture for IoT security . Proc. IoTSec , 2018 . Hamed Haddadi, Vassilis Christophides, Renata Teixeira, Kenjiro Cho, Shigeya Suzuki, and Adrian Perrig. Siotome: An edge-ISP collaborative architecture for IoT security. Proc. IoTSec, 2018.
4. LPD Communication: A Sequential Change-Point Detection Perspective
5. Bo Jiang , Philippe Nain , and Don Towsley . Covert cycle stealing in a single FIFO server . ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ToMPECS), 2021 . To appear. arXiv preprint arXiv : 2003 .05135. Bo Jiang, Philippe Nain, and Don Towsley. Covert cycle stealing in a single FIFO server. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ToMPECS), 2021. To appear. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.05135.