1. The MPG System: A Machine-Independent Efficient Microprogram Generator
2. Beccard R. Implemetion sines Verifications bedingungsgenerators fur die S*-Familie haherer Microprogramniersprachen in preparation Beccard R. Implemetion sines Verifications bedingungsgenerators fur die S*-Familie haherer Microprogramniersprachen in preparation
3. Berg H.K. Franta W.R. Firmware Engineering: Critical Remarks and a Proposed Strategy in : Firmware Microprogramming and Restructurable Hardware edts.: G. Chroust and J. Muhlbacher North-Holland l980 41-63 Berg H.K. Franta W.R. Firmware Engineering: Critical Remarks and a Proposed Strategy in : Firmware Microprogramming and Restructurable Hardware edts.: G. Chroust and J. Muhlbacher North-Holland l980 41-63